Earring stacks windows#
The light is the result of the sun shining through large translucent, semi-transparent leaves placed over windows, with one of those windows torn open by Icicle who broke out in Moon Rising.
Earring stacks full#
Many of them have quotes such as "Knowledge is a flame in the darkness" and "The claws of war are no match for the wings of wisdom." At the end of the hall, a room full of iridescent green sunlight is present. The entrance of the Library starts as a side corridor lined with hanging scrolls. It includes a skylight, and it is slightly dark, damp, and chilly, with one exit and scrolls piled in corners.

The new cave is located several corridors away from the previous one. Sora destroyed the cave with dragonflame cactus in an attempt to kill Icicle during the events of Moon Rising, forcing the history class to be relocated to a different cave. It was described to be covered in maps, each marked with a different year, and with stacks of scrolls that overflowed the wooden racks provided. The history cave was where Webs taught history to the students of the academy. It includes a class called Herbs and Healing, requested by Peregrine and Tamarin especially. The healing center contains bandages and a colored diagram of a MudWing, showing where the muscles are located in the dragon body. Next to each entrance, a map is hung, displaying tunnel routes to help students find their way around the huge caves. Two tunnel openings form along the cave's left wall, with two more on the right wall. When the school first opened, a huge banner made of woven green vines reading "Welcome, students!" in giant purple-and-white flowers hung from two stalactites. A huge bronze gong hangs against the back wall and in the center, with three flying dragons carved into its surface. There is also sunlight pouring into the cave, with twisting stalactites that sometimes reach the floor, forming twisting columns, and outgrowths of stalagmites that create shadowy corners. The cave has a dimmer light in comparison to that of outside, with enough room to fit four hundred dragons inside comfortably and still have enough space for more to fly overhead. The Great Hall is the unofficial entrance of Jade Mountain Academy. It is described by Kinkajou to look like if a couple of RainWings just emoted all over it. The room is filled with art supplies tucked into every crevice and wooden dragon sculptures placed on little stone shelves. The Art Cave is the room where students learn all sorts of art forms, including painting, pottery, glass-working, metalworking, weaving, and woodworking. Peril's cave is located across the main central cave from Clay's. The caves of the school founders, as well as Peril's, are all located away from those of the students. There is only one other entrance, which is located through Stonemover's cave. The main entrance to the school is on a mountaintop, consisting of a wide ledge. The school is located within Jade Mountain, which has fang-shaped twin peaks.